What's a work weekend?
Any weekend-long event where folks come together to accomplish a venue-related goal, typically involving some manual labor. Work weekends are much more relaxed and informal than most SCC events, and typical attendance runs from 5-15 people.
Past activities have included:
How much does it cost to attend?
Tickets are free! These weekends aren't as much of a "production" as typical SCC events, and we're not gonna make you pay to volunteer for us. That said, sometimes there's a suggested donation to whoever's doing the cooking, to cover the cost of ingredients. And, if you want an accommodation other than what SCC has booked, typically people will pay for that themselves. If there's a financial barrier that's keeping you from coming, email admin@stonecirclecouncil.org and we'll work something out.
Where will I sleep?
SCC has booked a group campsite for us. Bring your usual camping year, and we'll set up a little village together.
How will I eat?
Typically one (or a few!) members of the group will cook for the rest, and/or we'll setup a potluck-style meal plan. If you have food allergies, make sure to note them on your registration, so the cook(s) know how to keep you safe.
Contact Us:
Stone Circle Council LLC is a Registered Non-Profit with the IRS.