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The Stone Circle Council

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New Moon Service - Moonlit Magic

  • Tuesday, May 11, 2021
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Zoom Workshop Room

Registration is closed

The May New Moon Service will be held in the Zoom Workshop Room at 7:00 PM EST.

Eva Fox in service

Moonlit Magic: Guided Manifestations, Mediation, & Ritual

The first in a series, come for one or all!

A Guided evening for every lunar witch and myctophile! We'll cover moon rituals like group manifestations/intentions, burning bowls, fire cleansing, making moon water and uses for it in different phases/rituals, and spells. We'll also have guided meditation with yoga poses to enhance your magic, renew & realign. If you do not feel comfortable doing the poses you can still meditate while sitting. Ending with charging/enchanting, supply tips/how-to for witch baths for each phase and a closing blessing.

Click Here to Join the Workshop on Zoom

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