Spring 2023 Newsletter

In this email:

Nominate your Spring 2023 Officers:

It's that time of year again when we nominate our awesome friends and family to help run our organization as members of the Officer's Council. We have three positions up for election at Beltane this year: Executive Officer, Communications Officer, and Advising Officer. You can learn more about each of these positions and nominate some folks at the link below.  

Nominate your best picks! Nominate you! Nominate your friend! Nominate your pet (we need a mascot)! NOMINATE EVERYONE!! But do it before nominations close on 4/16!

Nominate Your Spring '23 Officers!

If you are not a current council member currently, we'd also like you to consider upgrading your membership so that you can fully participate in our democratic process! 

Become a Council Member!

Council members are able to fully participate in our elections! They are able to nominate other members or themselves to be considered for election to Officer Council positions. They are also able to vote in those and other democratic elections. And becoming a Council Member is easy! Members pay yearly dues of $50, or can choose to pay with an auto-pay monthly membership of $5/month.

Upcoming Events:


April 28 - 30

Stone Song Center

Flintstone, MD

Learn More

We will reclaim our power to experience Joy and participate in an inner and outer Spring. We shall gather around the Maypole, connecting the heavens Above to the Earth Below, while from its base eight paths extend out in all directions, connecting us one to another, Within and Without.

Rekindle your sense of joy and hope in the future. Make interpersonal connections by renewing old friendships and forming new ones. Dive in to a deeply spiritual experience of joy, love, and connectedness as deeply as you feel called to. This is the heart of Beltane.


May 25 -29

Camp West Mar

Sabillasville, MD

Learn More

"It's not about what it is, it's about what it can become."

~Dr. Seuss

TriFire 2023 seeks to explore our own personal transformation from lead to gold in ways both familiar and unfamiliar. We experiment with the ingredients brought into our sacred container by you, our participants, in this grand experience! North, South, East and West, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Spirit, planets, metals, alchemical metaphors, and Jungian archetypes will be joined by the Lorax as we 'grow roots that stretch down and faith that reaches out' like the trees.

TriFire is a sober event; music, song, dance, fellowship, and the night are among our ingredients.

Community Articles & Updates:

2023 Events!

The 2023 Event season is taking shape! Planning teams have been meeting, ceremonies are being written, and agreements with venues finalized. A lot of background work and effort goes into making sure that beloved gatherings such as Beltane, TriFire, and Stones Family Gathering (among others) can happen year after year. Do you have an idea, want to volunteer some time, and/or help with an SCC event? All you have to do is let us know by dropping an email to and we will put you in touch with the right people! In the meantime, here is a rundown and an update on the events being organized by SCC in 2023.

July 28-31 at Hershey Park Camping Resort & Hershey Park in Hershey, PA

A delightful combination of friendly competition, relaxing camping, and chocolate! Field day activities, tent camping, a shared resort pool, plus a full day at Hershey’s renowned amusement park!

Stones Family Gathering:
Sept 1 - 4 at Buffalo Gap Retreat in Capon Bridge, WV

Wherever we go, we are home. Wherever we call home, we shall raise Stones. Take me home … country roads. Join us in the scenic hillsides of West Virginia where another Trilithon will be raised! We have rented the entire Creekside Campsites side and a few cabins but will be sharing the rest of the campground with other guests. Join us for ceremony at The Island, take a dip in the spring-fed lake, journey over to the Lakeview Café for a snack or meal, and take up the ropes and rollers with your family of choice as a new foundation is laid for the SCC community. Event Planning team members are needed. Please contact if you are interested!

Oct 27 - 30 at Camp West Mar in Sabillasville, MD

SCC returns to idyllic Camp West Mar with its heated cabins and luxurious commercial grade kitchen to close out the camping season. Event Planning team members are needed. Please contact if you are interested!

Join an Event Planning Team:

SCC events are community-lead by our amazing planning team volunteers. If you would like to get involved in leading or assisting with event planning, please contact We are currently looking for planners for Stones Family Gathering and Samhain 2023.

Call for articles and updates for our Newsletter

Help support our community newsletter. If you have something you think would be helpful to share, an article, an upcoming event, updates or request from one of our groups or clubs, we want to hear about it!

Click on the link below to submit your ideas to be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

Newsletter Article Submission

Officers Corner:

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Tim McGowan
Financial: Chris 'Tinder' McGrath

Projects: Jon 'Argon' Noll

Advising: Jessie Taylor, Heather Kissinger 

Yours in Service,

Tim McGowan, Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.