September 2022 Newsletter

In this email:

Upcoming Events:


Sept 30 - Oct 2


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Mabon will 9/30-10/2 this year, and fully virtual!

We're having a Techwitches meeting on Thursday night 8PM EST to do some planning for it. As always, everyone is welcome to join any Techwitch meeting. If you would like to be involved in helping planning Mabon, helping being a virtual host, or hosting a workshop, class, craft or discussion, or have ideas you'd like to share or suggestion, I hope you can join us! If you'd like to join in on the Mabon team but you can't make the meeting, just reach out to me and I can join you to our chat.

We've got a wonderful weekend planned (with some spots still open!) and really neat away boxes for it. I hope you can join us! Sign up soon so you can get your away box in time!

Get Involved with Mabon!

Frederick Pagan Pride

Sept. 17
10:00 AM - 5:30 PM

4880 Elmer Derr Road, Frederick, MD 21703

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Frederick’s sixth Pagan Pride Day will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2022, at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick. People of all ages and spiritual backgrounds are welcome. The event will include information booths, workshops, live music, vendors and other activities celebrating the Autumn Equinox, a time of thanksgiving in many Pagan traditions.

Admission is a donation to one of two organizations we are supporting this year. You are welcome to bring an item of non-perishable commercially prepared food (no home canned goods, unfortunately) for The Foodbank Program operated by the Frederick Community Action Agency. This year, Frederick Pagan Pride Day is also supporting Frederick County Animal Control. Donations for the Adoption Center can also be given as admission. FCAC is requesting UNOPENED PACKAGES of canned food of any variety, dry food (Iams is preferred, but they will take any sort), bleach, sponges and Dawn dish soap. Other pet supplies are welcome, but must be UNOPENED.


Oc. 28 - 30

Camp West Mar

14509 Brown Rd.

Sabillasville, MD

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Join us at the beautiful Camp West Mar for a weekend of togetherness to celebrate another turn of the wheel.  

Samhain is the last harvest holiday of the wheel and as such we gather to feast together as a community.  Join us Friday Evening for an opening ritual and fire circle.  Saturday evening's main ritual is brought to you by our own order of the broken board.  Eat together as a community as we celebrate the season.  Registration includes Saturday evening's feast. 

Look forward to workshops, classes, crafts pumpkin' carving and more. 

Community Articles & Updates:

Baneful Crystals?

A community article submitted by Meghan Black

Baneful Crystals?

I have seen beyond several TikTok videos of people arguing about crystals and whether or not they have baneful properties. In my personal practice, I have a lot of experience with crystals both positive and "negative". I am the type of witch that believes wholeheartedly that there needs to be balance. Balance of dark/light, positive/negative, healer/destroyer. I do not follow the law of three, not all witches do. I personally believe that even though there has been a surge of new witches in the past couple of years, the information that they are learning has been tainted by the toxic "love and light" community. This is not something that I practice.

In order for us to be powerful in our own right, I believe that we need to balance the dark and light within ourselves. Too often we are told that our shadows, the things we push down and keep hidden, are bad traits; things that no one should hold space for. But our shadows are what help shape us. They are there at the darkest moments of our lives to protect ourselves, our bodies, our psyche. So, if we take the time to get to understand those "darker" parts of ourselves, learn to embrace them, we become whole, balanced and in the end a more powerful person.

As for the crystals, Yes!! They do have baneful properties. However, finding truthful information will ultimately be the hardest to find. Baneful magic is something that should never be taken lightly. Even though I don't personally give credit to the law of three, I do understand that magic can be unpredictable. Anything can happen especially when emotions are involved. I have used crystals' baneful qualities in many workings. Amethyst to cause nightmares, sodalite to cause disruption in their communication and several others. Most of the information I have on these baneful properties have come from elders, trial and error; I have only been able to find one published source on this and it's in the book Of Blood and Bones written by Kate Freuler. This is an amazing book, and if you don't have an elder that knows the negative properties of crystals, it's a great place to start.

Remember, when it comes to social media and witchcraft in general, do your own research. Don't believe everything when it's presented to you. Even the blogs that I write, yes please, do your own research. Some creators post things just for clout, others only take one source and claim to be all knowing. Witchcraft is different for everyone, my style might not mesh well with yours, but mine works just as well as others. Believe in yourself, research and put the information to practice, and do the witchcraft!

Vote for your fall officers by 9/16!

Our fall elections are well underway. Ballots have been sent out to all active Council Members to select preferences for Financial Officer, Projects Officer and our fall Advising Officer. 

There's still time for your to upgrade your membership and vote! If you’re not currently a council member head to and update so you can participate in our democracy!!!

Call for articles and updates for August Newsletter

Help support our community newsletter. If you have something you think would be helpful to share, an article, an upcoming event, updates or request from one of our groups or clubs, we want to hear about it!

Click on the link below to submit your ideas to be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

Newsletter Article Submission

Officers Corner:

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Tim McGowan
Financial: Patricia Althouse

Projects: John Nunemaker

Advising: Shannon HummHeather Kissinger 

Yours in Service,

Tim McGowan, Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.