October Newsletter

In this email:

Upcoming Events:


Oct. 28-30

Camp West Mar

14509 Brown Rd.

Sabillasville, MD 21780

Learn More

Join us at the beautiful Camp West Mar for a weekend of togetherness workshops, classes, crafts, pumpkin-carving, and more!

Samhain is the last harvest holiday of the wheel, and as such we gather to feast together as a community. Join us Friday Evening for an opening ritual and fire circle. Saturday evening's main ritual is brought to you by our own Order of the Broken Board. Individually and as a community, we work to create our centerpieces and build the Ancestors Altar, all culminating in a Night of Feasting, Ghost Stories, and at least a little Trick or Treating!

LGBTQ+ Circle

Oct. 26
7:30 - 9:00 EST

Online via Zoom

Learn More

The LGBTQ+ Pride Circle is a sacred space co-created and held by queer pagans, heathens, witches, and their accomplices. 

In honor of LGBTQ+ History Month the October Circle will focus on ancestors and community. If you're planning to attend, it is recommended to spend some time thinking about LGBTQ+ folks who are no longer with us who you would like to honor in this space. This can be family members, historic figures, etc.

Community Articles & Updates:

SCC at Frederick Pride 2022

Last month our many of our members attended the 6th Annual Frederick Pagan Pride event, hosted by Frederick CUUPS. It was a wonderful event which raised nearly a ton of food and supplies for the The Foodbank Program and  Frederick County Animal Control.

Amidst the tents filled with shops and talks, members of our Outreach Committee were on hand to greet attendees with fresh coffee and tea at our own SCC hospitality tent. SCC also hosted the public main ritual in service to attendees. It was a delightful time where we got to know each other a little better and used that newfound community to build a concrete stepping stone mosaic for our hosts.

If you would like to get involved in the Outreach Committee, please reach out to and we'll get you connected to the team!

Fall 2022 Communications Survey

Take the Survey!

SCC is looking at the ways we communicate with our members, celebrants, and guests. We'd like your help by providing us feedback on our Fall 2022 Communications Survey!

This survey was created in response to our discussion at the last town hall meeting, and we need your feedback to move forward. Completing this survey is easy and should only take a few minutes to complete. Your participation is a huge help to your officers!

In order to take this survey, individuals must be either a celebrant or council member with SCC, and updating your status is easy! Go to to become a SCC Celebrant at no-cost, or become a paying Council Member!

Roasting Vegetables for Fall

Community Article Submitted by Heaz

There's just something extra magical about having roasted foods as the weather starts to turn colder. This versatile recipe is a staple in our house as you can mix and match the types of vegetables you like to use in any combination you like.

Fall Roasted Root Vegetables

  • 4-5 lb of root vegetables you like, washed, peeled as needed, and cut into 1.5-inch cubes. Try:
    • butternut squash (often comes pre-peeled and pre-cubed)
    • beets (red will color everything pink, golden will not)
    • potato and/or sweet potato
    • carrots or parsnips
  • 2 red onions, peeled, ends trimmed, sliced into 1-inch wedges
  • 2-3 tbsp of fresh herbs, roughly chopped (rosemary, sage, thyme)
  • 1 tsp of sweet paprika (optional)
  • 1-2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)

1. Preheat your oven to 400 F. Line a rimmed baking sheet or two with some aluminum foil for easier cleanup later. Lightly spray the baking sheets with cooking oil spray.

2. Place your cubed veggies and rough-chopped herbs into a large bowl, and coat with oil (I like using avocado oil). Sprinkle with paprika and drizzle in maple if using.

3. Stir it all up to coat. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and stir again.

4. Spread it all into the baking pans, and roast 45-60 minutes, turning halfway through.

5. Test a few veggie pieces with a small knife or metal skewer to see if it can pass easily through. Pull them out of the oven, cover loosely with aluminum foil, and rest 5 minutes.

6. Eat! Or let it cool down and process into a hearty soup!

Fall 2022 Election Results

Results of the Fall 2022 Election  are in! Your new officers are:

  • Financial Officer: Chris ‘Tinder’ McGrath
  • Projects Officer: Jon ‘Argon’ Noll
  • Advising Officer: Jessie Taylor

Many thanks to all our candidates, Trevor Jean, Rhiannon Linfeld, Sam Pickands, and Kat Thulen, our past officers Patricia Althouse, John Nunemaker, and Shannon Humm, and our community of committed voters!

Call for articles and updates for August Newsletter

Help support our community newsletter. If you have something you think would be helpful to share, an article, an upcoming event, updates or request from one of our groups or clubs, we want to hear about it!

Click on the link below to submit your ideas to be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

Newsletter Article Submission

Officers Corner:

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Tim McGowan
Financial: Chris ‘Tinder’ McGrath

Projects: Jon ‘Argon’ Noll

Advising: Jessie Taylor, Heather Kissinger 

Yours in Service,

Tim McGowan, Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.