July 2024 Newsletter

In this email:

Upcoming Events:

Stones Family Gathering 2024 Registration

Registration is now open!!

It’s late, we know, but it's finally here! Planning and strategizing for this year’s event has been more complicated due to coordinating a communal meal plan with the venue, and several other new features intended to enhance your experience and enjoyment of the event.

There are three registration options this year:

The Intensive:

For those who want to arrive early and help do all the good work preparing the site and stones for the event! There is no charge to attend the Intensive, and SCC will feed you breakfast and dinner. Accommodations for the Intensive are tent camping on The Island group site; if you require other accommodations, you will need to arrange for those yourself.

EZ Registration:

Life can be difficult, registering for Stones Family Gathering (like doing your taxes) shouldn’t be. This option is designed for those who will be camping, day tripping (staying/sleeping off-site but visiting during the day), attending virtually, or coming only for the day of the Rising.

Cabin/Room Registration:

The option if you want or need indoor accommodations. SCC has reserved sixteen (16) cabins this year, to encompass the entire row of "lower cabins" closest to the Island! Three of those cabins are being set aside for attendees who have mobility issues as they are the most accessible to parking and have ramps/no steps to the front door.

Both the EZ and Cabin/Room registrations allow you to opt-into the meal plan, as well as many other new and returning features! Registration allows everyone to sign off on the Code of Conduct, our Health & Safety Policy, and to complete Buffalo Gap Resort’s Liability Waiver. Making these documents electronic has significantly reduced our need for paper and made check-in for events much smoother. Newer features for SFG include Pathways of Service: Volunteer Opportunities, a detailed page about Sunshine Funds and a Community Resources section.

These changes will hopefully make the overall registration process less confusing and assist the event planners in making your Stones Family Gathering experience all the more enjoyable! So go register!

Thank you all,

“Argon” Jon Noll

SCC Projects Officer


Stones Family Gathering

Aug 29 - Sept 2, 2024
Buffalo Gap Resort
Capon Bridge, WV

Info + Registration

What is the Stones Family Gathering?

It's what we make of it! A gathering of Tribe to raise stones.

Five days of togetherness and Ceremony ending with new stones raised up to honor the community that created them.

We will return to Buffalo Gap and continue the work we began last year!

The registration button will take you to the SFG main page where you can get more information about SFG, including information about accommodations. This year we have attempted to make registration less confusing by having the cabin and dorm registration a separate link.

LGBTQ+ Pride Circle


The LGBTQ+ Pride Circle is a sacred space co-created and held by queer pagans, heathens, witches, and their accomplices. This space will be used to:

  • Connect with Queer Ancestors/Queer Mighty Dead

  • Facilitate conversation around sacred queer spirituality

  • Allow space to explore queer identity intersects with a participants path/tradition

  • Engage in community brainstorming for “queering” our practices

  • Hold space for processing of current events with community medicine

This circle will be held monthly in a virtual format to make it as accessible as possible for participants. Participants are asked to respect the privacy, security, and time of their peers by showing up before the formal circle space begins and not sharing the link with others. 

Resumes in the fall.

Community Articles & Updates:

Work Weekend Success!

Earlier this month, SCC had a fun work weekend to widen and strengthen the foundation of our newest rock family member (the trilithon at Buffalo Gap Retreat that we erected last year). This ensures it will be as stable and steadfast as possible for many hundreds of years to come! Just look at that beauty.


"Stone Fund" request and taking care of Crew

Safety is sexy! 

It's kinder to the Crew, but it also takes money.

Stone Crew is aging up. As the years have gone on, we've started renting concrete mixers, a backhoe, and other labor-saving devices, to make sure that we're taking care of our community and ensuring many more years of good, intentional, connective stone work.

The work is still holy when it's not breaking our backs. But doing things this way takes more money than it did before. And some of that will go into ticket prices, but to keep tickets affordable, we’re still relying partly on donations.

So we've expanded our traditional “Stone Fund” to include the rest of the process as well - not just the stones themselves, but all the equipment, food and PPE we use to care for the crew while they work. 

If you have the money to spare, please consider donating to our updated Stone Raising Fund. It takes a village to raise these stones.


Ride Share & Travel Assistance

We don't want transportation to be a barrier to your attendance at an event. To help facilitate this we encourage you to make an ask in the ride-share-and-travel-assistance channel found under the Community Group on Discord, or make a post on our Facebook page.

These social media locations would also be a great place to ask to borrow (or gift) camping gear. Do you need a tent or sleeping bag? Do have an extra tent or sleeping bag you are looking to part with?

Officers Corner:

Officer Elections

Howdy! So you are maybe thinking about running for Officer but you are unsure as to what is expected. 

This is Coriander, your Administrative Officer, and I’ll soon be stepping down from the role to give someone else a turnHere is some information about what it's like to be an SCC Officer:

The Officers have an official meeting once a month where we discuss our progress, new items that have come up in the month, and plan work for the future. Additionally we have a non-mandatory “work hangout” every two weeks to work on our Officer honey-dos and check in with one another. 

We host a Stoneside chat once a month where the community can come and talk, and check in, and ask us questions. 

Our meetings follow an agenda where we discuss individual goals, go over upcoming events, and new business. When new business comes in we go over it together as a team and then figure out who would like to take the items and address them. Often items fall into a tag-team for two officers to complete together- we work closely together, and no one is alone on something if they don't wish to be!

Something I value is that its important to remember that we are humans and that sometimes we drop the ball. It’s okay to pass off responsibilities or ask for help when needed. We all know this is a volunteer position and not a full-time job. Over the years I have been an Officer, I have both helped hold down the fort for others when their lives got busy and also had tons of support when my life is chaotic. 

To me, the best part of being an Officer is being able to listen to the community and finding new ways to help build up what our community asks for. Additionally, I love being able to empower folks to create beautiful events and connect to one another. 

I have genuinely loved serving as an Officer. I am also super excited to let someone step into the Administrative Officer roll. 

If you have more questions or anything, please feel free to reach out to me. Super excited to see everyone at Stones. 


The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on FacebookDiscord, Gather, or email us directly:

Executive: John Nunemaker (he/him)

Administrative: Coriander Woodruff (she/her)
Engagement: Liz Harman (she/her)
Financial: Chris "Tinder" McGrath (he/him)

Projects: Jon "Argon" Noll (he/him)

Technology: Jessie Taylor (they/them)
Advising: Rhiannon Linfeld (she/her)

Yours in Service,

Liz Harman, Engagement Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.