July 2022 Newsletter

In this email:

Upcoming Events:

LGBTQ+ Pride Circle

Meets online for the
4th Wednesday of the month, 7:30 -9:00

Learn More

The LGBTQ+ Pride Circle is a sacred space co-created and held by queer pagans, heathens, witches, and their accomplices. This space will be used to:

  • Connect with Queer Ancestors/Queer Mighty Dead
  • Facilitate conversation around sacred queer spirituality
  • Allow space to explore queer identity intersects with a participants path/tradition
  • Engage in community brainstorming for “queering” our practices
  • Hold space for processing of current events with community medicine

This circle will be held monthly in a virtual format to make it as accessible as possible for participants. Participants are asked to respect the privacy, security, and time of their peers by showing up before the formal circle space begins and not sharing the link with others.


July 29 - August 1

Gifford Pinchot
State Park

Lewisbury PA, 17339

Learn More

Still time to Register for Lughnassadh!

In Celtic mythology the god Lugh established the festival as a feast, with games commemorating his foster-mother Tailtiu. We will be celebrating in much the same fashion as a tribute to Lugh and a celebration of the harvest.

Wait, Games? Yup! All kinds of games! Board games, trivia games, lawn games, water games, competitive basket weaving! When you arrive you'll join a team! You and your team will participating in games and workshops and even classes all weekend and rack-up points to try and win the Lugh-Cup! (or banner or... rock, maybe... we haven't sorted it out yet). Can you and your team defeat our reigning champions?

Stones Family Gathering

September 1 - 5

StoneSong Awareness and Nature Center

21100 Old Williams Rd SE, Flintstone, MD 21530

Learn More

Register for Stones Family Gathering!

Among the mists of the tallest mountains and the highest clouds, a being stands to admire the beauty below. Watching over the heights of waterfalls and burning volcanoes they can see all the bounty of what is and what could be. This bird’s eye view lends not only compassion for the creatures that embrace these riches, but also those that are yet to arrive. There is potential here...for greater things, for events not yet transpired, and for possibilities that are sometimes beyond imagination.

Join us in discovering the potential of yourself, your community, and the moments waiting to happen. We will raise stones, stand with them, and we see the beauty of what we can achieve together.

Big things are headed your way on September 1st through the 5th, 2022.

We look forward to gathering with you and our shoulders… IN THE SKY!

August Moon Service

Stone Circle Tradition of Wicca in-service

August 11th, 8PM

Online In the Workshop


August's full moon is traditionally called the Sturgeon Moon because the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain are most readily caught during this part of summer. The sturgeon can have a lifespan of 150 years. These prehistoric-looking fish have been traced back to around 136 million years ago and many people call them "living fossils".

This is the time of year when the abundance of the future harvest (or lack there of) could be predicted based on the fruits growing on the vine. If the harvest promised to be plentiful, there will be much celebrating. If the harvest looks slim, this is the time of year to gather with those in your household or community to make a plan for supplementing winter stores.

As we approach the end of summer, what does the fullness of this moon bring? Is your harvest full or lacking? Approach this full moon ritual as a time of taking personal inventory as we bring in the sheaves of our lives.

Community Articles & Updates:

Bananas are Magical?

A Community Article Submitted by Meghan Black

This morning as I was making my banana oatmeal, I was reminded just how magical bananas can be. Yup, you read that correctly, bananas are magical. When we think of a magical practice one might imagine a witch hovering over a few candles with crystals and herbs everywhere. Yet here I am creating magic as I stir up my breakfast. This blog post will cover the magical uses of bananas as well as the recipe and everything you need to make a morning magical oatmeal breakfast.

Magickal Associations and Correspondences:

  • Deities: Buddha, The God, Kanaloa
  • Gender: Masculine Element: Air Planet: Mars Zodiac: Leo Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus
Banana’s Magickal Properties:
  • Resilience through change
  • Luck
  • Wealth and Prosperity
  • Spirituality
  • Increased sexual stamina
  • Male Potency
  • Fertility
  • God symbol
  • Protection from accidents
  • Travel

Now that we covered the basics of banana spiritual uses let's get to the yummy part!

Oatmeal Ingredients:

  • 1 3/4 cup of oatmilk
  • 1 cup of quick oats
  • 1 large ripe banana, sliced (I prefer slices instead of mashed)
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt

Feel free to add to or change up this recipe as I have to eat dairy free this is based on my diet. Let's get to the magic part of this!

Keep your focus as you make this, it's easier to already have the ingredients premeasured.

  1. Start by centering and grounding yourself in a medium saucepan bring oatmilk to a soft boil.
  2. Add the oats with the intention of the spirit of oats, which calms the spirit and helps circulate qi (energy). Reduce heat to simmer.
  3. Stir clockwise to bring in positive energies. Cook for about 1-2 minutes.
  4. Stir in banana slices with the intention of bringing in a deeper sense of spirituality. Connect with your guides and listen to their messages. Remove from heat.
  5. add in the cinnamon stirring clockwise to bring in positive blessings and psychic awareness.
  6. Add in vanilla stirring clockwise to bring in happiness and healing.
  7. For extra flavor you can add a pinch of salt or maybe even some honey to sweeten it up.
  8. Transfer to bowl.

As you allow the oatmeal to cool hover your hands over top and say: ""Oats of earth, show me my worth. Banana of air, hear my prayer. Cinnamon of fire, bring my energies higher. Vanilla of water, don't let me falter. All combined, my spell is defined.""

Once you feel the correct energies (and the oatmeal has cooled) enjoy your magically charged breakfast."

The Outreach Committee is meeting and planning for several pagan pride events this fall. They are currently looking for volunteers to help with coordination and ritual for Frederick Pagan Pride on Sept. 17. 

Our new Techwiches (Virtual Team) group which formed at Beltaine are beginning to meet and plan for virtual activities for our upcoming events. If you'd like to get involved, check our facebook group for meeting annoucements!

Call for articles and updates for August Newsletter

Help support our community newsletter. If you have something you think would be helpful to share, an article, an upcoming event, updates or request from one of our groups or clubs, we want to hear about it!

Click on the link below to submit your ideas to be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

Newsletter Article Submission

Officers Corner:

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Tim McGowan
Financial: Patricia Althouse

Projects: John Nunemaker

Advising: Shannon HummHeather Kissinger 

Yours in Service,

Tim McGowan, Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.