Stone Circle Council Newsletter 

Yuletide 2021 Edition 


Join us for Yuletide Fellowship with the Stone Circle Council

Festivities will take place at William Kain Park, in the Bass Pavilion in the Lake Redman activity Area. 

Please dress warmly, we have some outdoor heaters, warm drinks, and cheerful company to help but the pavilion is open air. 

Our gathering  will include feasting, crafting, caroling, togetherness and a gift exchange! 

Things to Bring: 

  • Warm clothing! 
  • A wrapped-gift valued at approx. $10 for a wacky-piratical in-person gift exchange. 
  • 48 of your favorite cookies, and copies of the recipe for them (if its not a family secret). No printer, no problem! E-mail recipe to admin by Dec 16th and we'll print it for you.
  • Reusable mug to help save the planet. 
  • Your favorite mask(s)
  • A comfortable camp chair, especially if you need a chair with a back, the pavilion only has picnic tables. 
  • 2 Friends (we will have spares available)!

Leave at home:

  • Your pets
  • Anyone feeling ill
  • Alcohol- as is common at state and local parks alcohol is not permitted, nor is driving home while intoxicated

Proposed schedule: 

8:30am- arrival and set-up
9:30am- Official Gathering Time (aka. coffee and pastries)
10am- Opening Prayer
11:15-12:30: Crafts, caroling and workshops 
12:30- Feast followed by Yule Ceremony
2pm-4pm- Workshops, Cookie Swap and Pirate Gift Exchange
4pm- Closing Prayer
4:15- Clean-Up and Take-Down (goodbye Darla)

We look forward to sharing the shortest day with you. 

*As recommended by our Heath Advisory Committee in-person attendees (12+) are required to be vaccinated against Covid-19 and we encourage everyone to wear a mask even out of doors.

(please note we do encourage the vaccination of children 5-11 but understand that availability and timing of the approval of the vaccine does not make it possible for all our youth to be vaccinated in time for Yule so they are exempt from the vaccine mandate at this time)

Register for YULE here

Bragging moment! SCC has held three in-person events in 2021 with no reported resulting COVID-19 infections.

The SCC believes that a multi-layered and cautious approach to gathering remains necessary at this time.

Remember - if you feel ill, suspect, and/or test positive for COVID-19 after any event, show your love and respect for your Tribe and drop an email to

Happenings in Our Larger Pagan Community

Join Frederick CUUPS for their winter Masquerade Ball! An exciting costumed event with dancing and a Faery Market - find further details and a link to tickets here:

A Midwinter's Night Dream

Red Dragon 2022 is coming and planning is underway!

We will be coming together in community on Zoom to celebrate Hope, Healing, and a Cure on Saturday February 19, 2022.

Together in ritual space we experience and celebrate the Red Dragon, hold our most exciting auction, and prepare and feast on red foods together all to raise magical energy and funds for charities fighting to end blood-borne illnesses. 

Learn more about this event and its history here via link below. Registration link coming soon.

There are many ways you can lend your energy, talents, and magic to help us in making this a wonderful experience for the community and a prosperous event to benefit the organization we will be raising funds for. Join us for our next planning committee meeting on Wednesday January 5th at 7:30 to find out how you can participate. We can also use your inspired arts and creations as well as cool things you might have to donate to the auction part of the event. Look for meeting links and auction item call outs soon.

Holidays and Celebrations Ahead...

Spend the coming Holidays with your Tribe of Choice!

Imbolc:  All Virtual- Jan 28-30, 2022

Beltane: April 29- May 1, 2022 at Stonesong Center, Flintstone, MD 

More to come on all events, but mark your calendars now

Whether together or apart, in-person or virtually, may we find our joys large and small in the practices of this season

Your SCC Officers

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Heather Dougherty
Financial: Patricia Althouse

Projects: John Nunemaker

Advising: Shannon Humm, Elian Byrd

Yours in Service,

Heather D., Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.