Stone Circle Council 

Solstice Newsletter 2021

Upcoming Events

Lughnasadh 2021

Join us for an in-person camping event in Central PA, our first since 2019!

We are taking over the beautiful group campsite by the lakeshore at Gifford Pinchot State Park for a weekend of games, camping, fire, community and fun.  

Festivities will start Friday afternoon and continue through Monday morning giving us a full weekend of fun 

When: Friday July 30, 2021 3om- Monday August 2, 2021 3pm

Who: Lugh needs You to revel in the fruits of what we forged at Beltane!

Our seeds have been planted, but our harvest is still ripening in the field- we need joy to encourage and hasten our harvest!

Our celebration needs games, stories, contests, and whatever playful, soulful, and magical activities you can bring

Register here!

Full Moon Service

when: Thursday, June 24  7:00pm

where: virtually together in The Workshop

what to bring: your intentions for the coming cycle

John Nunemaker, in service

Zoom Link for Ceremony

News and Updates

Order here on Bonfire

By popular demand the SCC Storefront at Bonfire has been re-launched for Trilithons and Rainbows Pride gear!

$2 for every shirt sold will go directly to the Trevor Project!

The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization founded in 1998 focused on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth. Through a toll-free telephone number, it operates The Trevor Lifeline, a confidential service that offers trained counselors.

Health Advisory Committee (HAC) Recommendations for Lughnasadh:

The HAC has met three times to mull over public health recommendations for outdoor public gatherings - the campaign to vaccinate all who want it kept the recommendations in constant evolution. The HAC's primary goal is to keep our first in-person event from being a super-spreader one!

With the May 2021 announcement by the CDC that vaccinated humans no longer need to wear masks in most settings, and the lifting of the public health emergency in several surrounding states, here are the final infection risk reduction recommendations for Lugh by the HAC:

1. This will be a 'mixed' gathering of vaccinated and unvaccinated humans: only those who have not been vaccinated will be asked to wear masks when they are generally out and about from their campsites.

2. Events be will designated as 'close' or 'distance-able': close will require masks for all, distance-able will required unvaccinated folx to mask up.

3. Stop, ask, come here!: colored bands will be available for broadcasting where you stand with close contact; red for maintain a distance of 6 feet please, yellow for please ask me first, green for coming in for a hug!

4. Let's remove any stigma for status:  while the SCC supports vaccination, we are all on our own journeys, particularly where our bodies are concerned. If you want to ask someone what their vaccination status is, please do. We encourage honesty in a judgement-free zone, if you are unvaccinated please be honest if asked. Everyone has the right to make an informed decision about personal risk. If you are un-vaxxed, please follow the CDC recommendations and for your health and safety please wear a mask when you are outside of your private space.

Find a Vaccine Near You!

June 25th is the last day to get your 'Two and Two' (two weeks after the second vaccine dose) prior to July 30th, but it's never too late to vaccinate against COVID-19!

After all, there's the Stone Family Gathering to think of!!!

Do a good thing, in a safe way.

Who wants to RAISE SOME STONES together???

You do!!! I do!!! WE DO!!!

So much time gone by since we last did a thing in a good way - live and in person!  So much sweeter the gathering after so long apart... it's time to begin our plans for the 2021 Stone Family Gathering at the Stonesong Center. 

Five days of togetherness, five days of Ceremony, ending with new stones raised up to honor the community that created them.

September 2 - September 6, 2021

Registration has been opened:

Register for SFG

Officer Activity

Meeting Minutes from our Beltane Meeting here

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Heather Dougherty
Financial: Patricia Althouse

Projects: John Nunemaker

Advising: Shannon Humm, Elian Byrd

Yours in Service,

Heather D., Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.