SCC Newsletter: September 2020

Upcoming Events

SCC Mabon- A Virtual Community Event

Join us for a ritual of rituals as we offer four practices that may give you the boost you need when life comes at you fast and hard.

when: Saturday, September 19⋅6:00 – 8:00pm

where: Wherever you are! This is a virtual event.

what to bring: a glass (half full) of drinking water, and a


hosted by: Blinx, Dozer, Hunybee, Toni and Jason


In the spirit of experimentation, Trifire is going virtual! Join us for a night of reflection, release, and renewal, from the comfort of your home. Come set your lead on fire.

when: Saturday, September 26

where: Wherever you are! This is a virtual event.

what to bring: TBA. For now, come as you are.

contact: Argon John

Craft Hangout Facebook Group

The newly christened Stone Circle Crafting Coterie now has a Facebook page!  Click here for real-time updates to the Craft Hangouts schedule, and to fill your feed with witchy kitschy craft projects.

New Committee: Youth Advisory

The Youth Advisory Committee needs people under 18 with strong opinions. We (SCC) are trying to hear to the wisdom of the next generation. We don't know what that looks like yet; that's what we need you for! Sign up and organize.

For those keeping track at home, we now have the following year-round committees:

  • New YOUTH Advisory Committee
  • Health Advisory
  • Financial
  • Outreach
  • FUNdraising
  • Moon Service

Plus planning groups for all our events! If you want to get involved, the door is always open.

Officer Activity

Meeting Minutes from our most recent Open Meeting (6/13)

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Avery Szafranski
Financial: Patricia Althouse
Projects: Heather O'Farrell

Advising: Keegan Vogl, Elian Byrd

Yours in Service,

Avery Szafranski, Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.