Stone Circle Council April 2021 Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Beltane - Planting Seeds of Change

Start: Friday April 30, 3:00 PM EST

End: Sunday May 2, 3:00 PM EST

Location: Zoom!

what to bring:

  • spare craft supplies: old bits of ribbon, beads, sparkly things, etc. (optional)
  • Goodie Box contents (TBA)

Join us as we gather to welcome the summer and celebrate Beltane virtually. Our virtual Beltane’s theme this year is creating the world as we want it to be. We will use community, our “lead” and grief, fertility, maypole raising, seed planting and seed stone raising to create the world we envision, and create a stable and secure place for that world to grow into being. Activities of crafts, workshops, cooking, games, and ceremony will connect our tribe virtually as we head into the summer months.


New Moon Service - Make Your Intentions Roar

when: Sunday April 11, 7:00 PM EST

where: Studio

what to bring:

  • red candle
  • your voice (all of it)
The last 13 months have been really, really long. Take some time to channel all that pent-up energy and frustration and focus it into your intentions. Bring your reddest candle and your strongest voice, we're gonna get loud tonight.

Craft Hangout

when: Sunday April 25, 10AM - 1PM EST

where: Workshop

Don't forget to share your creations to the Crafting Coterie Facebook page!

Full Moon Service

when: Tuesday April 27, 7:00 PM EST

Location: Studio

This Moon Service needs a host! Give Avery a ring if you want to help out.

News and Updates

Call for Moon Services

If you missed it, the last couple moon services (run by Skramma and Shannon respectively) were a blast! To encourage future signups, we have embraced technology and made a fancy sign-up form. If you've got an idea and want to flesh it out, we'd love to hear from you!


Facebook Alternatives Survey

Hey guys, we know not everyone uses Facebook regularly, so we're trying to come up with alternative ways for SCC members to connect with the community. If you could take a sec totell us what else (besides Facebook) you use to keep up with friends from a distance, we'd really appreciate it!


Lughnasadh Site Recon

Last week Kate and John went to scout out a potential site for an in-person, socially-distanced Lughnasadh. We need a space big enough to keep all the camping "pods" separate, and boy does this place have SPACE!

Gifford Pinchot State Park is a 2,338-acre full-service park in York County, PA. The park offers campgrounds, RV hookups, and cottage rentals, and features a reclaimed farm fields and wooded hillsides surrounding the massive 340-acre Pinchot Lake. 

The situation is still evolving. As we get closer to the date, we'll be consulting the the federal and PA guidelines, as well as our own Health and Safety Committee. The plan might change a lot by the time Lugh rolls around; we will keep you posted, here and on Facebook. Things are still very tentative, but this is an exciting step!

Saga of the Website

The website revamp has BEGUN in earnest! We've updated the look and feel of the site, added new pages, and (hopefully) made the site easier to navigate. Feel free to take a look around and share your thoughts.

That said, there's still a LOT left to do. If you'd like to participate in our (totally official) Adopt-A-Page Program, message or email Avery.

Officer Activity

**NEW** Don't forget our next biannual Open Meeting is this Beltane! Save the date for Saturday, May 1, at 11:30AM EST.

Meeting Minutes from our most recent Open Meeting (6/13)

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Avery Szafranski
Financial: Patricia Althouse

Projects: John Nunemaker

Advising: Keegan Vogl, Elian Byrd

Yours in Service,

Avery Szafranski, Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.