Stone Circle Council Newsletter 

Samhain 2021 Edition 

2021 Stone Family Gathering Election Results are in!

**Projects Officer: unanimously re-elected, John Nunemaker!

John says - "I ran to continue to give back to my Tribe and Community. This past year was my first year as Projects Officer and I am honored to continue to work in the position, organizing and growing the process of projects and events as we continue to develop as an organization." Thank you John, clearly we feel same!

** Advising Officer: also unanimously re-elected, Shannon Humm!

Shannon says - "My first few months as Advising Officer were spent learning the ropes of the Board, with my biggest focus on finding and securing venues for upcoming events. In the coming year I plan to continue the work of connecting to event venues, working with with the other Advising Officer (Elian Byrd) to promote the SCC in pagan and community publications, and looking for ways we can foster community care and connection through SCC." Thank you Shannon, we sure appreciate your work!

The Wheel has taken the hard turn, and the veil thins... Samhain is upon us!

For Celebrants attending in person, please read the following message for helpful event information.

A very few spots remain open for in-person - unlimited virtual attendance available!

**Meal plan has closed** 

For in-person Celebrants at Samhain

There is a BYoP (Bring Your own Pumpkin) Pumpkin Carving activity planned.

While cots/beds with mattresses are included in the accommodations (except  plain tent camping) bring your own pillows/blankets.

 Pack to remain dry and warm.

Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to wear black and/or white on Friday night, and yellow/gold, red, orange, and/or purple for Saturday night.

Please only bring store bought, single-serve, pre-packaged snacks for the food altar. Whole fruits are acceptable but also more perishable.

Instruments of all kinds are welcome in the Alchemical Fire Circle!

In addition to various percussion instruments, we have been blessed with the tones and notes of flutes, violins, guitars, didgeridoos, shakers, tambourines, and even a tuba


Please note, these are the Health & Safety precautions required for in-person attendance:

  • All registrants over the age of 16 are required to be vaccinated against Covid-19, and provide evidence of that vaccination.
  • Vaccination evidence may be uploaded by registering for the event 'Vaccination Status' on the SCC website calendar, or you may bring it with you to the event. Please note, unvaccinated individuals or those without evidence of vaccine will be turned away
  • All activities where social distancing is not possible will require attendees to wear a face-covering, including while participating in the Fire Circle.
  • Face coverings will be required inside buildings, with an exception being made for habitants of sleeping cabins. (Please note, if you are having guests hang in your sleeping cabin or tent everyone should wear a mask.)
  • Please be mindful that we all have different risk-tolerance, please always ask before approaching another individual, and try to maintain at least 6 feet distancing when indoors and 3 feet when out-of-doors.

Our previous in-person events were not super-spreader ones - the SCC believes that a multi-layered and cautious approach to gathering remains necessary at this time.

By the Order of the Broken Board - kitchen recruits needed at Samhain!

To keep the Tribe fed, 2 servers and 2 cleaners per shift are requested to volunteer.

The kitchen will be warm and dry, full of goodness, merriment and kind ladies... please consider the gift of service at this event.

See Patty, Anne, or Heather on site

Holidays and Celebrations Ahead...

Spend the coming Holidays with your Tribe of Choice!

ThanksGaia - hosted by Stone Circle Wicca, November 27, 2021

 YULE!:  December 18, 2021 at the William Kain Park in York, PA

Imbolc:  All Virtual- Jan 28-30, 2022

Beltane: April 29- May 1, 2022 at Stonesong Center, Flintstone, MD 

More to come on all events, but mark your calendars now

Remember - if you feel ill, suspect, and/or test positive for COVID-19 after any event, show your love and respect for your Tribe and drop an email to

Your SCC Officers

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Heather Dougherty
Financial: Patricia Althouse

Projects: John Nunemaker

Advising: Shannon Humm, Elian Byrd

Yours in Service,

Heather D., Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.