Stone Circle Council 

Lughnasadh Newsletter 2021

Upcoming Events - Virtual & In-person

Dates, Dates TBD, and Save the Dates: get ready to take notes cause we have a full half-year ahead!

What: Stitch n Bitch - it may be hot, but we're knitting anyway

When: Bring out yer wool (and other crafting projects) on July 18 11am-2pm 

Where: In the Workshop, hosted by Elian 

Workshop link here

Lughnasadh 2021

Join us for an in-person camping event in Central PA, our first since 2019!

SCC is taking over the beautiful group campsite by the lakeshore at Gifford Pinchot State Park for a weekend of games, camping, fire, community and fun.  

Festivities will start Friday afternoon and continue through Monday morning giving us a full weekend of fun 

When: Friday July 30, 2021 3om- Monday August 2, 2021 3pm

 Lugh needs You to revel in the fruits of what we forged at Beltane!

Register here for Lughnasadh 2021

Planning to be there and do that, sure - but did you get the shirt???

Full Moon Service

when:  July 23, 7 pm

where: virtually together in The Workshop

what to bring: your intentions for the coming cycle

who: John Nunemaker, in service

Zoom Link for Ceremony

Stone Family Gathering : Five Days of Fellowship, Ceremony, and A Gathering of Tribe to Raise Stones

Workshops, classes, drums, fires, and pulling stones. 

Five days of togetherness, five days of Ceremony ending with new stones raised up to honor the community that created them.

September 2 - September 6, 2021

Registration has been opened. Work weekends TBA soon!

Register for SFG

Mabon in Maryland & Pennsylvania 

It's an SCC bi-locational first! When it's good thing, it needs to be done twice.

Maryland dates:

9/25/21 - John Nunemaker will host a Mabon fire ritual at his Maryland home 9/26/21 - SCC Fellowship at the Maryland Renaissance Festival 

Pennsylvania dates:

Weekend of 10/16-17/2021 - SCC Fellowship weekend at the Penn Renn Faire


Save the Dates here!:

Alchemical Samhain - October 29 -31, 2021; venue to be determined

Thanksgaia - hosted by Stone Circle Wicca; dates TBA

and last but not least, YULE!: Covenant Village, December 17 -19, 2021

More to come on all events, mark your calendars now

Officer Activity

Meeting Minutes from our Beltane Meeting here

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Heather Dougherty
Financial: Patricia Althouse

Projects: John Nunemaker

Advising: Shannon Humm, Elian Byrd

Yours in Service,

Heather D., Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.