Join us for Samhain this month!
In ancient times, when the Old Europeans still hunted, gathered and herded, the year was simply divided into two seasons. The joyful beginning of the year was at the beginning of May when the sheep and goats were led out to their mountain pastures. The end of this Summer season fell at the end of October/ beginning of November, this was the “Gates of Winter.” The herds were brought back to the safety of a sheltered settlement, all debts were settled, and offerings were made to thank the deities for their summer bounty and petition the deities as they showed their winter aspects, to be merciful to those who honored them. The deceased ancestors were also honored and fed, as they also were petitioned to watch over their descendants thru the bitter winter. The Celtic tribes call this time Samhain, “Summer’s End,” while the Slavic tribes call it Zaduszki, “Ancestor’s Eve” or Velines, “The Day of the Souls.” Come join us in this honoring of our ancestors and the spirits. Workshops include: Paganism & Hospice care, carving turnips, Slavic wax divination, making rushnyk (sacred cloths), Sacred Dance, Baltic Paganism, working with the spirits and so much more!
A reminder that Samhain does not have a meal plan, so come prepared and make some friends to share with!