Stone Circle Council 

Mabon Newsletter 2021

Officer Elections: Nominations Form

Bi-annual elections are here! 

Election procedures: Any Council Member can nominate a candidate. Candidates may nominate themselves. Candidates must be members in good standing at the time of the nomination.

Take moment to nominate someone for the following offices -

**Projects Officer: shall oversee all committees on projects as designated by the Officers Council. All SCC sponsored events shall be considered projects under the Projects Officer’s purview.

**Advising Officer: shall attend meetings of the Officers Council, take an active role in committees, and vote on any and all motions proposed.

Nominations will be completed before the election and so will close September 15th. Election ballots will be available September 16th through the 22nd.

The button above will take you to a nominations page and provides an opportunity for comments and suggestions regarding the proposed amendment to the Stone Circle Council By-laws to add a Membership Officer to the Council.

It's a busy, busy month as the wheel spins slightly faster in preparation for the last harvest. Here's what our Tribe is preparing -

Full Moon Service - hosted by the Stone Circle Tradition of Wicca, USA students

When: Monday, September 20, 7:00pm

Where: virtually together in The Workshop

A Full Moon Ritual led by SCW 101 students for the SCC community with this intention: Please join us in offering up our skills in thanks to the divine and drinking from the cauldron of life and wisdom.

Following the ritual, join us for a bardic circle following the theme of “Gifts of Spirit”.

Mabon: Celebration of Our Harvest

September 25 - All Virtual Day into Night Ritual

The moment of pleasure in reaping what we have sown together -  Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Stones Family Gathering 

More to come but keep the date!

Autumnal Equinox Ritual: gifted by the Stone Circle Tradition of Wicca, USA

101 students 

Mark your Calendars for September 22 at 7pm

in the Workshop

Zoom link to the Workshop


Alchemical Samhain - an experiment like none other, an interweaving of the alchemical fire with the celebration of Samhain!

SCC will have the sole (soul?) use of Camp Grove Point in Earleville, Maryland the weekend of October 29 -31, 2021 for this event.

Health and Safety rules will be in place under the guidance of the Health Advisory Committee.

Registration and details available here soon:

Want more? Yes, please:

ThanksGaia - hosted by Stone Circle Wicca; dates TBA

and last but not least, YULE!:  December 17 -19, 2021, location TBD

Imbolc:  All Virtual- Jan 28-30, 2022

Beltane: April 29- May 1, 2022 at Stonesong Center, Flintstone, MD 

More to come on all events, but mark your calendars now

Our Family Scrapbook


We love photos of raising stones and all the fun surrounding it. 

Virtual screen shots, pics of your pet rocks or pictures of your tribe, share here

Use the link below, log into your account, then scroll to the bottom of the page to add your photo via upload! 

Alternatively, feel free to share with or email them to!

Remember - if you feel ill, suspect, and/or test positive for COVID-19 after any event, show your love and respect for your Tribe and drop an email to

Officer Activity

Meeting Minutes from our Beltane Meeting here

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, Instagram, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Heather Dougherty
Financial: Patricia Althouse

Projects: John Nunemaker

Advising: Shannon Humm, Elian Byrd

Yours in Service,

Heather D., Communications Officer

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.