SCC Newsletter: July 2020

Upcoming Events

Lughnasadh - a Celebration of Tribe

when: July 31 - August 1

where: Wherever you are! This is a virtual event.

contact: Heather O'Farrell

SCC- Full Moon Ceremony

when: Saturday, July 11, 5pm

where: A Virtual Event

contact: Patricia Althouse

SCC- New Moon Ceremony

when: Monday, July 20, 7pm

contact: Patricia Althouse

Movie Night: Cloud Atlas

when: TBD

what to bring: Netflix, and the Netflix Party Extension

Craft Hangouts!

when: Saturday, July 25, 1pm

contact: Heather O'Farrell, Elian Byrd

Work in Progress

Craft Hangouts are getting their own FB group!

The Craft Hangouts have really taken off! We'll be holding them more often, and are working on a dedicated Facebook group for SCC Crafters.

Lughnasadh is Going Virtual

In light of the most recent COVID-19 guidelines, the Health Advisory Committee has recommended against holding Lughnasadh in-person this year. We're bummed about it. BUT the holiday is still on! We are nothing if not resourceful when it comes to digital gatherings. Stay tuned for an updated schedule of events.

Get Involved: Call for Feedback

Hey guys - Avery here. I'm tinkering with the format of the newsletter, and considering adding new content. What do you folks want to see here? What do you NOT need to see here? Message or email me to tell me what you think!

Officer Activity

Meeting Minutes from our most recent Open Meeting (6/13)

The Officers love hearing from you! Drop us a line on Facebook, or email us personally:

Executive: Coriander Woodruff, Kate Gille

Communications: Avery Szafranski
Financial: Patricia Althouse
Projects: Heather O'Farrell

Advising: Keegan Vogl, Elian Byrd

Where we gather, we are home. Where we go, we will raise Stones.